For those who like to keep their hard earned dollars at home, we've dedicated an entire department to parts which are 100% made in the USA! We don't use the tactics of many other companies, which have 99% of the thier work done overseas, and the final 1% done in the USA, and then try to sell the parts as "Handmade by American Craftsman." You can be sure that all of the many pages of parts listed in the section are genuinely 100% made in the USA from materials also of US origin.

Oil Pump Priming Shaft
Oil Pump Priming Shaft

In Stock

Engine Lift Bracket
Engine Lift Bracket

In Stock

ARP Main bolt Kit - 6pt
ARP Main bolt Kit - 6pt

In Stock

ARP Main Stud Kit - 12pt
ARP Main Stud Kit - 12pt

In Stock

Freeze Plug Kit - Brass
Freeze Plug Kit - Brass

In Stock

Viton Rear Seal
Viton Rear Seal

In Stock

Oil Pump Gasket
Oil Pump Gasket

In Stock

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